The goal of this course is to develop the concept of mathematical modeling of computational process in which they study the concept of  Finite Automata and application, regular language, context free grammars, Pushdown automata, Turing Machine, undecidability problem and computational complexity

The objective of this course is to familiarize the logic of structured programming approach and to provide exposure in developing algorithm, flowchart and thereby writing efficient codes for user defined problem.

Learner will be able to illustrate the basic terminology used in computer programming, the concept of data types, variables and operators using C, design and Implement control statements and looping constructs in C, apply function concept on problem statements, demonstrate the use of arrays, strings, structures and files handling in C, demonstrate the dynamics of memory by the use of pointers to construct various data structures.

This course discusses principles & techniques involved in the designing of analysis & synthesis phases of compilation .It also entails design & implementation of a lexical analyzer, syntax analyzer, semantic analyzer, code generation schemes ,type checking , the optimization of codes & run-time environment.